Hawwa ky naam by Bano Qudsia - Pdf download

Hawwa ky naam by Bano Qudsia

برٹنڈرسل کا کہنا ہے کہ عورتیں عمومن مرد کےکردار سےمحبت کرتی ہیں اور مرد عورتوں سے ان کی ظاہری بناوٹ، جاذبیت اور جوانی کے باعث محبت کرتا ہے۔ چونکہ محبت ہر انسان کی بنیادی ضرورت ہے اس لئے ہر شخص پرستش کرنے والے کے سامنے مجبور ہے وہ بندگی کرنے والے کے آئیڈیل میں ڈھلنا چاہتا ہے۔۔۔۔۔ عورت کا آئیڈیل مرد کو شاعر، انجینئر، سائنسدان، دانشور،ادیب، ایکٹر، موسیقار بننے پر مجبور کرتا ہے۔ مرد کی محبت عورت کو کٹھ پتلی، کلینڈروں پر چھپنے والی تصویر،ایکٹرس نما حسینہ، فاحشہ بننے پر اکساتی ہے۔ بڑے سے بڑے آدمی کی محبت نے عورت میں وہ بالیدگی پیدا نہیں کی جو معمولی سے معمولی عورت کی محبت نے مرد میں ابھاری ہے۔

This book focuses mainly on ‘Mashriqi Aurat’ (whether she is from upper class or middle class)on her needs, her rights, her problems where she stood before and where she stands now in this newly developed and modern eastern society. This new society has new standards, new requirements and both the man and woman are trying to fit in this new system.

Woman,the central figure of any society, now is unable to adopt the sudden social and cultural change. She is trying to figure out her focus whether it should be herself, her child, her man, or her job and place outside the confinement of her house like a western woman.

She doesn’t understand what man want from her because even after all the conflicts between them, man and woman are each other’s needs, they have to please each other in every way. Bano qudsia beautifully laid out the fact that how both the genders are responisble for each other’s growth and decline. both are psychologically dominent over each other but still the society has man as a dominent figure. So the woman now is in very difficult situation because she has to please man, society and herself as well to survive.

Bano Qudsia is a hard-to-put-down writer. Her psychological take on every topic she picks is astounding.


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