Bakht novel Cover analysis (without actually reading the book)

bakht novel cover

         A beautiful Dark green colour, which gives us a hint of nature or money/wealth.

          On the left most side we see a tall white building, inspired by European architecture, it seems like a residential building as it has balconies yaani people live here by rent or maybe this is owned by multiple people living together.(imp log)

        Th center of focus is the silhouette (shadow) of a young man, most probably the protagonist. we see his head eroding. This may represent the following:

- A mental disorder
- short/long term memory loss
- depression
- escapism
- daydreaming/overthinking

           Within the silhouette we see that very man, trapped in a jail. This is may be a sign of depression or slavery. Maybe he is entrapped due to his own actions or within his imagination. Maybe it's a trauma which has been haunting him. Maybe he hasn't let himself free by not forgiving himself for something. It also shows loneliness and helplessness of the protagonist.

           We see he is leaned forward towards the grill which means he is afraid of the darkness, where he is trapped in yaani he doesn't want to be there anymore, he wants to go out. It also shows a sign that he is waiting for someone that's why he is standing near the grill.

          The most important thing to notice is the paper crane in his hand which is a sign of hope and peace. We see that our protagonist is in desperate need of peace. within the darkness of his life, between the hopelessness, he finds a little hope to hold onto.

           On the collar of the shirt, we see brightness unlike what was inside the jail. The brightness represent happiness. The protagonist is holding onto a girl which is obviously the female lead. We see that with the FL, his life turns bright. He looks happier and merrier. We see satisfaction and ease within him

           So yeah here's a random cover Analysis, which I loved so so much.

Congratulations @_mehrulnisa_shahmeer_official For publishing your first ever book. I'm so proud of u hunny. May you keep shining forever.

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